3 reasons you might not be losing weight even though you’re trying hard

Posted by articles on February 3, 2015 in Weight Loss & Fitness News | Miracle Burn 360
3 reasons you might not be losing weight even though you’re trying hard

Some people are doing their best, and they still can’t lose weight. There might be different reasons for that, and taking diet supplements can sometimes be the solution these people are looking for. However, there are also common mistakes people make that tend to prevent their progress. There’s nothing like standing in your own way. Oftentimes it’s not about working hard, it’s about working smart, and something tells that is not what you’re doing at all.


Eating too much


My friend’s ex was trying to lose weight at one point. She decided to start running. That was a good call. She also didn’t lose weight. Why? Because after running a few miles, she would “reward” herself with a few chocolates (that’s right, a few), thus actually getting more calories than she burned. She never had a calorie deficit. Only after I explained to her the importance of calorie intake and working out was she able to lose weight (she really shrunk). If you want to lose weight, make sure that you’re at a calorie deficit, but not too much of a deficit, or your body will start conserving fat and destroying muscle.


Not lifting weights


Lifting weights is great for three reasons. First, it feels awesome. Second, it burns calories. Third, it builds lean muscle. Muscle actually burns more calories by default, which means that the more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body is burning. Lift weights if you want to get rid of the fat, but do it smart.


Not working hard


If you want to burn those calories, you have to work hard. There is no way around it. This is how the game works. Spending more time around the weights doesn’t always mean that you’re burning more calories if your workout isn’t intensive enough. Give it your all.

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